

Energy Reading

Energy Readings are known as instant divine messages that are received for the seeker that do not require too much energetic exertion. I support your Spiritual Don and mission to reach as many people by sponsoring the associated costs of the material and honouring of the Space. I Pledge to the Sponsorship of $55 USD

The Sol Healing 1

We believe that Spiritual Dons are bestowed-upon gifts to serve humanity while also acknowledging the healer’s maintenance of a work-life balance. Since we do not believe in the price-point approach system for healing, we appreciate and endorse honorary based systems that supports us in reaching out to a larger percentage of people by supporting the welfare of the healer from material and space sponsorship to their self-care and energy-centre recharge explained in the 4-Sponsorship Formats within.

Energy Healing

Energy healing at our school is done via the use of intuitive connection to source based on past life chains and karmic ties. Methods use are intuitive reiki healing to the associated body parts and or chakras. I support your Spiritual Don & Impact Mission by sponsoring the associated costs of the material and energetic expenditure towards my healing journey. I Pledge to the Sponsorshop of $99 USD

The Sol Healing 2

We believe that Spiritual Dons are bestowed-upon gifts to serve humanity while also acknowledging the healer’s maintenance of a work-life balance. Since we do not believe in the price-point approach system for healing, we appreciate and endorse honorary based systems that supports us in reaching out to a larger percentage of people by supporting the welfare of the healer from material and space sponsorship to their self-care and energy-centre recharge explained in the 4-Sponsorship Formats within.

Divine Downloads

Also known as Past Life Regressions or Akashic Record Reading where the Healer connects and deeply taps in with Divine Source, God, and with sole permission of God then the seeker, downloads are received. I believe in the energy of Karma and the honorarium I have pledged within, is what I feel in my heart and spirit of how I want to contribute back to the collective, in/with my current state. I Pledge the Karmic amount of $222.

The Sol Healing 3

We believe that Spiritual Dons are bestowed-upon gifts to serve humanity while also acknowledging the healer’s maintenance of a work-life balance. Since we do not believe in the price-point approach system for healing, we appreciate and endorse honorary based systems that supports us in reaching out to a larger percentage of people by supporting the welfare of the healer from material and space sponsorship to their self-care and energy-centre recharge explained in the 4-Sponsorship Formats within.

The Holistic Being

This incorporates a holistic healing approach to the seeker where an Energy Healing is provided via EFT Tapping, Intuitive Reiki, Divine Downloads & Emotion Body Code Testing. Here the healer will share information with the seeker on what is being healed: Blocked Energy Level, Meridian Points , Chakra and Past life Karmic Ties or Witchcraft. I fully endorse your Spiritual Don by pledging Full Sponsorship of a Holistic Self-Care Day for you to recharge and impact millions more of people in the amount of $333 USD.

The Sol Healing 4

We believe that Spiritual Dons are bestowed-upon gifts to serve humanity while also acknowledging the healer’s maintenance of a work-life balance. Since we do not believe in the price-point approach system for healing, we appreciate and endorse honorary based systems that supports us in reaching out to a larger percentage of people by supporting the welfare of the healer from material and space sponsorship to their self-care and energy-centre recharge explained in the 4-Sponsorship Formats within.
Talk with us for Consultation
30 minutes free for the first session